Scarborough Eastsiders Soccer Club
Want to FIT something in with your current routine? Looking to lose weight? Improve Cardio, Balance, Speed or Agility? Looking for a way to maintain your fitness?
If you have answered YES to anything above then EASTSIDERS FIT is for you!!
Offering sessions to Children, Youth and Adults.
Our Trainers will come to you or meet at a specified location anywhere in the GTA
Individual sessions
$60 per hour
For More Information Contact: or Call 647-671-5157
After just one week of adding EastsidersFIT I started EastsidersFIT about 2 and a half weeks ago
in to my daily routine I lost 7 pounds. and I have noticed a HUGE difference in my Cardio level
The first few session were hard on my I thought I was fit since I could do my normal workout with no
body but now I just can't get enough. problem, after the first session with Martin I knew I had to
- Sebrina make some additional changes.
As a mother of a 15 year old boy that has
been bullied about his weight, I came
across the EastsidersFIT , as I was willing
to try anything. I signed up for 2 hours to start.
My son's first session was October 20th, it's now
January 20th and I am proud to say my son has
lost 30 pounds, my previously quiet and shy boy
now has friends over (including girls) and goes
out quite often. Thank you from the bottom of
my heart Martin.